A friend indeed

Friends are like trees, if you set them on fire, they burn quite easily. Alright, let's try that again, friends are like plants, you need to water them to keep…

Terrifying horror!

Imagine, you are walking down the street, everything is peaceful, a bright sunny day, couldn't be more perfect of a day, and you are just taking a stroll, suddenly, the…

Nerd rage

What if I were to tell you that being a nerd is not equivalent to being a modern day hipster. Yes. Nerds, dorks, geeks and the others belong to a…


"You look stupendous today, my dear.", "Are you calling me stupid?!", admit it, the first time you heard this word, your first reaction could have been something like that. It…


             Ever heard or read the story of 'Beauty and The Beast' ? Of course you have. We all remember it, a classical tale, damsel…


Generations come and go, cultures change with lightning speed and so do the people who follow cultural and fashion trends. But, there are two kinds of people, those who follow…