“You look stupendous today, my dear.”, “Are you calling me stupid?!”, admit it, the first time you heard this word, your first reaction could have been something like that. It has a nice ring to it though, but unfortunately it is usually connected with another adjective and misinterpreted, and that is a stupendous fact.

Admittedly, we all prefer to sound smart, profound and important, and hey, one way of doing that is by actually knowing what kind of words you use. Don’t just pile a bunch of long and cool-sounding words, don’t try to overdress your sentences. Seriously though, it won’t make you sound splendidly stupendously marvelous, see what I did there? When someone does that, they may utter a sentences with more adjectives than there are stars in the sky, but what I hear them say is: “I forgot how to dictionary.” Now, before you start actually throwing dictionaries at me, just hold on, the next time someone does that, just stop, listen and you will actually hear a dictionary somewhere, committing literary suicide.

If by any chance you want to impress someone, don’t refrain using such stupendous words, however pay attention, two is a couple and three is company, it can be awkward for people, it can be awkward for words as well. Think about the words will you? They have feelings too. Try not to butcher the language, it has never done anything to harm you, well maybe not yet, nevertheless words have little teeny hearts and feelings, don’t hurt them.

Remember kids, just because someone knows how to pronounce a word, and maybe knows what it could possibly mean, does not make him smart. Try asking that person to describe the word, to explain it, that always makes me smile. One more thing guys, you are all stupendous one way or another.

By Dejan Vicai

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