We have all heard the intriguing stories about fearless artists, glamorous expats and beautiful socialites gathering in cafes, bars, restaurants, mostly European, Parisian, to be more precise.
Vladimir Nabokov had synesthesia, a harmless neurological condition which causes mixing of sense. His writings are famous for descriptions in which sounds, shapes and colors are intermingled in order to form a powerful sensual effect.
Mark Twain once said: "Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." But is it always so? Tireless perfectionists like James Joyce and Dorothy…
Our destination is Amherst, Massachusetts, home of the beloved Emily Dickinson. She led lonely and secluded life, barely leaving her bedroom. Yet, she left behind hundreds of poems, many of which were written down on kitchen paper.
“Words, words, words.” - Shakespeare, Hamlet
For the genuine lovers of the written word 23 April is a remarkable day, since Shakespeare’s 449th birthday is celebrated on this day. Although Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed at the Globe, on the south bank of the Father Thames, today they attract the audience around the globe. The power of the Bard’s magical pen can be felt today, even though the Golden age of the Queen Elizabeth I is centuries behind us.
Upon reading Joyce’s Ulysses, his contemporary T. S. Eliot observed: “I wish, for my own sake, that I had not read it… Joyce has single-handedly killed the 19th century.”