Video games or real life?

"Are you still playing? You haven't done anything since morning? Dinner is ready!" These and many more shout-outs are just the tip of the iceberg that you can experience when…

Hypocretins everywhere.

Don't do that! That's wrong! What are you doing, that's unhealthy! How many times have you heard this? I know I have. But the best part is, when you start…


My God is mightier than your God! Nuh-uh my God is more blood thirsty than yours! My God promises eternal chocolate flavored bacon strips and ever flowing fountains of sweet,…


Watching horror movies with friends is as scary as a turtle hitting you with a spoon. But, watch the same movie alone, in the middle of the night, in the…

I don’t do drugs, I do DnD.

It is a dark and stormy night, 3 in the morning. You raise your long sword to strike down the severely injured Orc. You swing. You miss. Why did you…

I regret nothing.

Remember that one time you stayed too long, you had one too many drinks, you thought jumping that fence would look awesome. Nobody? Just me? Really? FYI, It did look…

Size does (not) matter.

We are all slaves to false advertisement and what to do and how to do it. But one particular thing that influences almost everyone, and I do mean everyone, is…