The Phoenix – Part One

One day one girl woke up not sure what to do. But she was embarrassed to ask anyone. So she went out determined to find the answer by herself. She walked by…


"You look stupendous today, my dear.", "Are you calling me stupid?!", admit it, the first time you heard this word, your first reaction could have been something like that. It…


             Ever heard or read the story of 'Beauty and The Beast' ? Of course you have. We all remember it, a classical tale, damsel…

Char Rose

Put the rose in the flames, she has heard many names, no need to hear mine. I am leaving, I'm fine. Listen to the sound of char, and wonder if…


Generations come and go, cultures change with lightning speed and so do the people who follow cultural and fashion trends. But, there are two kinds of people, those who follow…


Connecting to the Internet, opening my browser. Just going to check if anybody left me any messages, no? Ok. Did anyone comment on my witty motivational status, wait, what is…