#1 Fan

"Did you see last night's performance? Wasn't it awesome?", "Yeah I liked how they performed even though the singer had a broken leg.", "Woah, he broke his leg? When did…


Don't you just hate it when you're watching your favorite show, not having a care in the world, everything is as it should be. Peace. Serenity. And out of the…

A matter of choice.

Since our birth we are faced with choices. Left or right. Whether what we pick will have an impact on our immediate or long-turn future. Up or down. Whether our…

What is this … music?

Late Saturday night, staying in, grabbing some snacks and drinks, channel surfing like a madman, one channel makes me stop. What is this? A two-hour rock marathon, hell's bells I'll…

Hangover, part 4

Is your head hurting like it was hit by a bus full of tourists? Is your mouth so dry not even monsoons could re-moisturize it again? Are you perhaps in…

The F-word!

The almighty f-word, now what the fizz could it be? Could it be fabulous? Or even fantastical? How about flavoursomenesses? It is a word, check it out. No need to…

Getting rolled?

           Nothing is worse than getting rolled, oh you don't know what getting rolled means? Everything will be clear after this, although another element is missing…