

Redemption, sounds heavy but in reality it is so easy to carry out, redeeming is not just about doing the right thing. The path of redemption is paved with tears, sweat and what may seem at first as loss of face, but in reality it shows great character and real strength.
You’ve got tweet.

You’ve got tweet.

To sum it up, no social media equals no existence at all. Social media in itself is a great idea, however the zombified mind-absent users who take everything too far. Back in “my day” we also had social media. Seriously, go outside...


They say that the kid that survives is the creative adult, yes, this is absolutely true. Think about it, when you are growing up, we are always told to act like adults, to never color outside the lines, to always behave our best. Yet, when we do grow up, we long for those carefree days when we could easily enter another dimension and become a pirate if we wished so.


What is art? Can we really define it as “something” with fixed rules? Rather, art should be anything that reflects beauty, whatever it may express, captured in a moment which lasts for eternity. When history is examined we have a few creative periods from which great artists emerged and created some of the most breathtaking pieces of art. Nowadays though, almost anything can pass as art; which is not bad in itself. Furthermore, art should not be defined as a movement or as a label; it is something that brings joy to your heart.


Swiggity swooty, look at that booty! That right there is as classy as it can get people. That is the epitome of twenty-first century courteousness and chivalry. This is what the ladies want, none of that flowers before a date, or dressing appropriately, nope. Good old fashion low-hanging pants will show the tender gender how accomplished and successful you are. Congratulations swaggers, you guys managed to hit a new rock bottom.

Hey lady!

Being a lady is not easy, but at the same time it is not hard either. You just have to follow a few simple etiquette rules, no big deal there. Well, it seems like the instructions are not clear enough. Or girls forgot how to read. Seems that today, to be a classy lady you must know how to twerk, to hashtag your food and to treat men like garbage. Oh yeah, do not forget about looking down on people, that is very important to be a respectful member of society. And for the lovely “ladies” reading this right now, sarcasm intended.

Since when do we like girls that behave like Neanderthals? Of course you do not have to behave like a peach every time, but seriously, where is the line drawn? If I wanted to hang out with someone who is obnoxious, I could have just called me guy friends. Ladies should be sophisticated and intricate, not loud, obnoxious ten-year olds.


Sunday morning cartoons were something every little kid looked forward. It was well worth waking up at six in the morning, loading up on snacks, and just laughing away the morning. Even the silliest cartoons were awesome. Even now cartoons are something most of us look forward. No matter how old you are cartoons are here to make the kid in you laugh.

It might be considered “immature” to watch animated figures, but you know what, I am still having fun and I still refuse to grow up. So there. This will apply to a lot of people, but why should someone let go of their childhood? Is it socially awkward to watch something that makes you laugh? Are we not mature enough if we enjoy a little bit of fun now and then? Probably the old farts who run everything do not want people to have fun. If that is the case, grab the remote and change the channel to some good cartoons. Please, nothing of the new ones, the old ones are far better.