It is then the reality that shatters.
Fictive and real, the same but different matters.
And I cried and I cried,
and I wished that I could escape
from this pain. I tried.

Dream… It left scars on me and my soul.
Traces still remain of it, obscuring my goal
to be free. To be free from all burden and pain.
I long for peace. I long for tranquillity while I’m still sane.
But things never go as we plan. I’m right
and you know it. There’s no hope in a night
black and cold, nor a rope to grab and save
myself. There isn’t a part of me that can ever be brave.

Why are we dreaming? It’s the time when senses go crazy
and our life freezes. Our bodies suddenly so lazy
stop in time and space. In front of our eyes hazy
land and world and all I can wish for it is to be gone.
So, why are we dreaming? It doesn’t start with once upon
a time. Where they all lived happily ever after till the dawn.

It is then the reality that shatters.
Fictive and real, the same but different matters.
And I cried and I cried,
and I wished that I could escape from this pain. I tried.

Night… The sanctuary of weak and lost.
We are ready to sell ourselves no matter the cost.
All I wanted to do, all I wanted to see simply fades.
Dreams show us what’s not real – the dangerous blades,
on which we get hurt. And then we bleed and plead
to stop destroying our lives. ‘Cause it’s the comfort we need.
How am I to stand on my feet again? And what if I meet
myself at the threshold? Will the end of the encounter be bitter or sweet?

Why are we dreaming? I’m looking the mirror now
before it breaks into pieces. Symbolizing the world how
all’s chaotic, frail and weak. We reap what we sow.
Though I cannot leave my skin, I am still who I am. Mistake
shall be made. But I need something to keep me awake.
So why are we dreaming? When we’re whelmed by a nightmarish lake.

It is then the reality that shatters.
Fictive and real, the same but different matters.
And I cried and I cried,
and I wished that I could escape from this pain. I tried.

Why are we dreaming?
Please, tell me now!
Why are we dreaming?

By: Душан Ковљен

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